Friday, September 30, 2005

Fellowship group for evacuees

A Bible and Prayer Fellowship is offered especially for those affected by Hurricanes Rita and Katrina on Monday's at 10:00am at the offfice of the Ministerial Alliance at 120 W. Third at Madison in Mt. Pleasant. "Our aim will be to listen together to God's Word and to share our understanding of God's Presence and His will in this moment of our lives," says Kathleen Koecher, organizer of the fellowship. "This is not intended to be a teaching, but rather a listening to what God has to say to us now. Our fellowship will be a fellowship of caring and support," says Mrs. Koecher. The readings will be from the Old Testament, including Psalms, and the Epistles and Gospel from the New Testament. All are welcome
The Ministerial Alliance office is on the corner of Third and Madison, one block north of the square in Mt. Pleasant. For further information please call Kathleen Koecher, 903 572-6740.


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