Monday, September 05, 2005

Update from David Abernathy - Stand Down (for now)

 I just completed a conference call with state and federal officials.  Apparently, the in-flow to Texas has tapered significantly.  Texas is providing shelters to 70,000+ individuals, with many more that are not in shelters but are being assisted in some way (meals, travel expenses, etc.).  There are 172 shelters opened in Texas, some of which have never received any evacuees.
    On today's call we were told that Texas will not be receiving any more bus loads of evacuees from Louisiana, and no aircraft are scheduled, in-bound for Texas, in the immediate future.
    There is still a significant sheltering capacity in many of the shelters that are currently occupied, and as stated above, some had never received any evacuees.  Therefore, the Governor's Division of Emergency Management told the entities with shelters (statewide), who had never received any evacuees, that they could shut down.  Locally, Texarkana has additional capacity now for a few hundred.  The number sheltered in Sulphur Springs has decreased as well, and they now have additional capacity. 
    It was also stated that there are individuals in motels or staying with relatives or other families that might need support of one type or another (meals, transportation, lodging, jobs, etc.).  Locally, this is the situation in Pittsburg and Mt. Pleasant.  Additionally, there could potentially still be some evacuees arriving by personal vehicle or "rogue bus," as the term has been applied.  With this in mind, I would recommend that we leave everything in place in Pittsburg for at least the remainder of this week and then re-evaluate the situation.  I will be receiving additional reports daily from the state level.
    A toll free number is now up for evacuees to register themselves (to let family and friends know their status) or for those individuals looking for evacuees.  It is 877-568-3317.
    Universally accepted debit cards are being finalized by the US Treasury Department.  These will be issued to evacuees to cover expenses.  Details on this will be forthcoming, hopefully by tomorrow.
    In addition, the federal government has a contract travel agency in place that evacuees can call for ground, rail or air travel arrangements to take them to relatives or friends virtually anywhere they need to go.  This will be referred to as "Self-Evacuation."  Access will be via a toll free number that will be released later today.  I will pass this along as soon as I receive it.


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